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Premium Allocations

Pupil Premium

Each year the school receives an amount of money called the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG). This grant provides additional funds to school for each child who is currently, or has been at any time in the last 6 years, entitled to Free School Meals (FSM). In addition, a lesser amount is also given for pupils who are ‘Looked After’ by the Local Authority (CLA) or who are children of Her Majesty’s Forces.

The Pupil Premium of £59,200  has been allocated to us in our budget for 2024-2025 financial year. Currently our level of Pupil Premium is 34%.

At Collierley Primary, our aim is to ensure that any difference in attainment between groups of children close and all children achieve well. Whilst our main aim is to raise academic attainment, we also aim to ensure that children have a wide range of opportunities and experiences to develop confidence, self-esteem and have high aspirations.

You can view or download our Pupil Premium allocation and find out how this has been used at our school. 


Reviews of this are taken place termly and presented to the governing body.

We also receive a recovery premium grant which is part of the government’s package of funding to support pupils whose education has been impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19).



Sports Premium

Collierley Primary School are committed to the sustainability of sports premium funding. We endeavour to use our funding to ensure our spending has significant impact on our children in the future.

We have used our sports premium funding sustainably to improve pupil outcomes. Our main focuses have been:

  • Forest Schools

  • Physical Education planning, delivery and assessment

  • Inter/Intra school sporting competitions

  • Outward bound residential trips

  • Offering a wide range of sporting activities

Our swimming data for the 2023-2024 academic year is available on our sports premium spending review below.

You can view or download our Sports Premium allocation to find out how much money we received and how this has been used at our school.

You can also find the plan for how we will spend our sports premium allocation this coming academic year (2024-2025).

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